Not in My Wedding Album

Brad Smith

Bryn Weller

March 20 - May 9, 2009

Opening Reception March 20, 5-9
Featuring the work of Jay Bachemin, Brad Smith, Bryn Weller, Nicole Dixon and Stephanie Carson with readings on relationships by Mark Flanigan and Jerry Judge at 8 p.m.

The wedding ceremony and its attendant functions ranks high among the pantheon of formal rites of passage in much of contemporary society. A good wedding is considered a harbringer of a good marriage, thus the importance of the wedding day going exactly according to plan. Since weddings, however, are planned and performed by human beings, their actual execution usually winds up being. . . . .well, human. The wedding day, fraught as it is with expectation, political intrigue and tradition, generally reflects a range between the best and, unfortunately, the worst of human behavior and emotion. Wedding photographers are charged with capturing the wedding as it is conceived. . . an idyllic and beautiful representation of the relationship and future life together of the two betrothed. Good photographers can transform the most humdrum occasion into one that appears at least routinely congenial if not blissful. In getting to that point, however, these conjurers must choose from a raft of images which reflect a larger range of human behavior on display at weddings. This show opens the door to this broader range of experience which is largely relegated to the reject pile in the enormous cache of wedding photographs produced year after year.